Fashion Meets Corona

Fashion Meets Corona

Posted by Anja Murjahn on

When we launched our online shop in spring 2020, we naturally asked ourselves whether it was even appropriate in times like these to talk about luxury, fashion and Shopping to write. The world as we know it has been thrown off balance by the COVID-19 pandemic and there is no doubt that there are far more important things than fashion trends and the latest it bag. People get sick and die every day, professional livelihoods are at stake or have already been destroyed and nobody knows how things will really continue in the coming months.

On the other hand, we shouldn't be too strict with ourselves. Many things related to fashion and lifestyle not only offer a welcome distraction, but they can also go deeper and by no means only move on the surface. This applies in particular to the many discussions about sustainability. Greta Thunberg and the "Fridays for Future" movement may have temporarily faded into the background due to the corona pandemic, but that does not mean that the topic has lost its importance and explosiveness. The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters of all and the rethinking process that has fortunately begun in this area must not be stopped under any circumstances. That's why we want to continue writing about fashion in the future, but in a thoughtful and responsible way. We deal with exciting sustainable labels as well as other unusual second-hand and vintage shops from Germany (and from all over the world, when we can one day travel relaxed again...). We also regularly introduce you to people who inspire and support us in being content in the here and now despite the many challenges and looking to the future with optimism.

We would be happy to discuss topics that interest you with you and are open to suggestions, requests and questions of all kinds. Please do not hesitate to contact us:

Stay safe and sound!

Your Style Definition Team

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