Ein Blick in den Kleiderschrank der stylischsten Frauen ist wie eine Reise in die Welt der Mode und Eleganz. Hier finden sich sorgfältig ausgewählte Second-Hand-Schätze, die nicht nur Trends setzen, sondern auch zeitlose Schönheit verkörpern!

Preloved by Anja Murjahn 💚
No matter whether you are looking for a timeless classic or are daring to experiment with fashion - Anja's wardrobe offers an almost endless variety of possibilities. Every second hand piece is a statement of style, elegance and self-confidence.
Preloved by Lisa Masé 🧡
Lisa Masé's wardrobe is a reflection of her passion for fashion, second hand and her unique approach that reminds us that fashion is not just clothes, but a journey through all facets of our personality that women should live.